Full program description

The Georgia Clinical & Translational Science Alliance- Georgia CTSA and Southern California Clinical and Translational Science Institute -SC-CTSI have collaborated to provide free, high quality educational programs for clinical research professionals at novice to expert levels of experience. At the completion of each course or program, participants earn contact hours recognized by a certificate and/or badge.

Symposium Overview:

Inspired by current events unfolding worldwide, this program includes six courses of in-depth discussions on diversity, inclusion, and equality in human subjects research, and the importance of representation in clinical trials, especially in the time of COVID-19.

Disease pattern, clinical presentation and therapeutic response can vary dramatically based on a number of factors including race, ethnicity, genetics, comorbidities, socioeconomic status, and gender.  Clinical trials are necessary in the advancement of new therapies. While many individuals decide to participate, racial and ethnic minorities remain consistently underrepresented.It is vital to understand the significance of diversity in clinical trials, the barriers and facilitators to participation, the importance of community engagement, and education about clinical trials to ensure representation of clinical trials results relevant to diverse populations.

Program Outcome:

At the end of this program, participants will be able to define diversity, inclusion, and equity, and identify contributing factors to diversity disparities in clinical trials. Participants will gain an appreciation of the importance of diverse populations in research as well as strategies to implement tools for increasing representation for underserved and marginalized communities.

Program Topics:

  • Session 1: What Do We Mean by Diversity in Clinical Trials?
  • Session 2: FDA Initiatives to Address Diversity in Clinical Trials?
  • Session 3: Clinical Trials Participation: Understanding the Needs and Importance of Diverse Populations
  • Session 4: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Clinical Research
  • Session 5: Population on the Fringe of Clinical Trial Enrollment
  • Session 6: Ensuring Participant Diversity and Engagement during COVID-19

Learner Level:


Need Help with Registration? Please contact us at ene@emory.edu or 404-727-9208.